In my pursuit to be the best Mom ever I decided to take just my daughter and one of her friends on a girls day out. We had the day all planned. We would go get pedicures, then eat some yummy lunch, go to Color Me Mine, and then to finish the day off we would go take a dip in the pool. The day went perfect the girls had a blast. With tons of giggles and screams. Then at the very last second while her friends Mom was picking her up the girls decided to play in the backyard. That's when the day turned sour. Leah got hit in the head with the shovel. With tears in her eyes I rushed her to the E.R. She got the V.I.P. treatment with a room with a T.V., her very own soft pink stuffed bear, and a warm blanket she was very well taken care of. In a few hours we left the hospital with 4 stitches on her forehead. What a long day, but she did get Mom all to herself.
poor leah! she is one tough cookie........just like her mamma:)
Awww! Poor little Leah! That looks so owie!
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